Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden

First International Innovative Learning Place (ILO)
Renewable Energy Centre, Mithradham.

Ludwig von Stern, Kanzler OTH-AW

The Technical University of East Bavaria at Amberg-Weiden operates in the tradition of German
Polytechnic Institutes of Higher Education (Fachhochschulen): We are bridging the gap
between scientific discovery and practical application. In the field of Renewable Energies our goal is to take sustainable use of natural resources beyond the conceptual level towards teaching efficient practical implementations. Thus we consider ourselves as natural partners of
all those, individuals and institutions, who are serving the same cause.

In our teaching and research we are acting as multipliers of a precious pool of knowledge –precious because of the pressing needs imposed by population growth and the dangerous dynamics resulting from the over-use of natural resources with its wide ranging social, medical and ecological implications. Developed countries are well advised to work, also in their own interest, towards a solution or at least mitigation of the problems resulting from this dynamics.

We are happy to collaborate with the organizers because we share this goal both from an ethical and a technical perspective, and also because we share the belief that large, global change must grow from small, local roots.

The University has signed a memorandum of understanding with its first International Innovative Leraning Place (ILO), Renewable Energy Centre, Mithradham, Kerala, India on 12th. February 2015. Under this memorandum, a long standing and special partnership is
established between the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering /Environment Technology,
especially in the area of environment technology and renewable energy which is the focal area of activity of the Indian Centre.

Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Markus Brautsch, member of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Environment Technology and Head of the Institute for Energy Technology,
staff members and students of our University are regularly visiting Mithradham Renewable Energy Center. Project work carried out in the context of the “Global Village” action weeks includes implementation of environment friendly energy technologies for rural electricity supply, where students and trainees from different countries meet to learn about the technological state-of-the-art, discuss current approaches towards use of renewable energy technologies from a teaching and research perspective, and to look at practical model implementation.

Referenz für das Renewable Energy Centre Mithradham

Letter of Reference for the Renewable Energy Centre Mithradham

Die Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg – Weiden unterhält seit einigen
Jahren vielfältige Beziehungen zum Renewable Energy Centre Mithradham und
zum Verein zur Förderung entwicklungswichtiger Vorhaben in Stuttgart.

Our institution, the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden (University of Applied Sciences), has entertained diverse relations with the Renewable Energy Centre Mithradham and the Association for the Promotion of Important Development Projects

(Verein zur Förderung entwicklungswichtiger Vorhaben) in Stuttgart.
Die gegenseitige Partnerschaft ist gekennzeichnet von einer fachlichen Zusammenarbeit, was die Planung, Optimierung und Durchführung von Projekten im Bereich Erneuerbarer Energien anbelangt, als auch was die im Zentrum einhergehende pädagogische Verbreitung der Inhalte berührt. Besonders geglückt ist aus Sicht der Hochschule die hohe persönliche Integrität und die Beharrlichkeit, mit der das Zentrum seit Jahren erfolgreich arbeitet.

Our mutual relationship is characterized by a close technical cooperation, which involves the planning, optimization and implementation of renewable energy projects as well as the dissemination of relevant educational content. Particularly noteworthy are – in our opinion – the high levels of integrity and tenacity which have contributed positively to the Centre’s success for years.

Die Aufgabenstellung des Zentrums ist aus hiesiger Sicht von unschätzbarem Wert, weil
gerade in einem Land wie Indien die Schonung natürlicher Ressourcen bei gleichzeitig
hohem Bevölkerungswachstum nur durch deutlich überproportionale Fortschritte beim
Einsatz erneuerbarer Energien umgesetzt werden kann. Die Anliegen der Hochschule
sind insofern mit denen des Zentrums identisch.

From our today’s perspective, the Centre’s task is of vital importance; all the more so since
the protection of natural resources in a country like India with a high population growth can
only be implemented by disproportionally boosting renewable energy use. In this respect, our
objectives are identical to those of the Centre.

Die Hochschule wünscht sich eine Vertiefung der bisherigen Partnerschaft und möchte gerne das Zentrum bitten, zusammen auch formal einen Innovativen Lernort zu begründen, an dem Studierende und Hochschullehrer der Hochschule zusammen mit Schülern, Studierenden und Hochschullehrern aus Indien gemeinsame Seminare, Lehrveranstaltungen oder Praktika durchführen.

To deepen our existing partnership, we would like to ask the Centre to formally set up a socalled Innovative Place of Learning where students and professors of our University can carry out joint seminars, lectures and practical projects with students and professors from India.

Wir hoffen auf eine vertiefte Fortführung der gewohnt guten Zusammenarbeit.

We look forward to an intensified continuation of our successful cooperation.



Mit freundlichem Gruß,

With my best regards,

Ludwig von Stern

den 30.11.2014